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The Geological Museum of Apeiranthos belongs administratively to the “Municipality of Naxos and Small Cyclades”. Functioned as a small collection of minerals and ores from 1964 at the building of the Elementary School of Apeiranthos. It is located on the ground floor of the building of the Cultural Centre of the village.

     The visitor - depending on the time available and interests - has the chance to choose exhibits and explanatory posters covering a wide range of geological issues.  

Exhibits and geological maps provide an understanding of the local geology, the lithology of various geological units of Naxos and the South Aegean islands, as well as on the significance of minerals, mineral commodities and mineral products for the economy and the civilization. 
     The necessary information on exhibits is given in Greek and English language in a simple manner, accessible to non-specialists.
     The visitor begins its journey from the "Naxos Hall" and continues in the “Aegean and the World Hall”. 

 “Naxos Hall”:  Thematic topics - exhibits
·    The geology of Naxos and the rocks exposed in the island
·    The physical geography of the island, local climate and hydrology
·    The Naxos mineral commodities (marble, emery, chert) and the diachronic contribution of mineral exploitation to local economy and especially the development of the Cycladic civilization 
·    Emery and products produced using emery
·    Minerals in emery, and rock-forming minerals of Naxos lithologies
·    The history of emery exploitation in Naxos. Tools used by miners in the past
·    The genesis of emery   

“The Aegean and the World Hall”:  Thematic topics - exhibits
·    Geology of the South Aegean Sea with emphasis in the “Attico-Cycladic Belt”.
Representative samples of rocks and minerals of the critical lithological units of the Southern Aegean islands are exhibited in the vitrines (Blueschist rocks, Eclogites, Greenschist rocks, Granitoids, Volcanics of the South Aegean Active Volcanic Arc). Also on display are samples of ores, which from ancient times until today have been the subject of mining and processing, contributing to the local and national economy.
·    Fossils found in the Aegean and the world. The maxilla of a dwarf elephant which lived in Naxos during the Late Pleistocene is also exhibited
·    A collection of strikingly beautiful samples of minerals and rocks from the Aegean area and more than 20 countries worldwide
·    A poster to explain the “Rock Cycle” and typical examples of rocks from each rock-type
·    Explanatory illustration of the importance of minerals in our every-day life with typical samples of minerals and ores
·    A complete collection of Greek Mineral Commodities and products produced after their processing
·    Rocks and minerals from the Troodos Ophiolitic Complex (Cyprus) are exhibited separately in a vitrine
·    Fluorescent minerals

*The "Naxos Ηall” was established in 2016. The old hall of the Geological Museum of Apeiranthos was restructured to accommodate the exhibition: "The Aegean Sea and the World". The design of the whole exhibit, the composition of informative posters, and the acquisition of new mineral and rock samples, was all made possible thanks to the initiative and contribution of Nikolaos Skarpelis, Professor Emeritus of Economic Geology of the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens.


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